gluten-free snack — Blog Posts — Rachel Begun

gluten-free snack

Gluten-Free Macadamia Coconut Bites

When you crave something indulgent, but also want to feel good about what you’re eating, these bites are just what you’re looking for. They are gluten-free, plant-based/vegan and contain no added/refined sugars and can be enjoyed equally as a snack or dessert.

Spiced Roasted Chickpeas

Roasted chickpeas are always on hand in my house, as they add flavor, texture and good nutrition (hello fiber and plant-based protein) to so many dishes. I particularly like this shawarma-spiced option, as this spice blend is rich with earthy, warming and sweet-spiced notes.

Chocolate Orange Walnut Bites

There’s literally nothing not to love about this energy bites. You get to indulge in rich chocolate flavor with hints of orange and ginger without compromising on healthful, wholesome eating. These bites are gluten-free, dairy-free; 100% plant-based/vegan and contain no refined sugars.